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Parents read this to protect your kids.

I am a married suburban Chicago housewife, adult model and actress that has a naughty side. I am an exhibitionist and love making boys into men. I am normal sane and real.
Yes, I also occasionally work with professional studios.
You can find my non studio videos and pictures by Googling Hotwifeforplay1969
It is true that I have millions and millions of views worldwide and hundreds of videos and thousands of photos and still work at a Mexican fast food restaurant nearby.
I am Keeping it real! All videos and pictures really are me and are authentic, homemade and amateur; they are for the sole amusement of my fans and friends. Mostly filmed in the back seat of my car or on Location in the suburbs of Chicago IL. All video participants are fans and posted with permission.
Want to truly get my attention? Take a second and read my FAQs in Posts, explains everything! Click link below. It's ok, its safe.
..And I prefer Nymphet over Slut, Sounds better!
For those that understand. I do have a profile on SLS, if you ask nicely, I might tell you, so don't be a creep.
Yes, I do sell my movie memorabilia.
Lastly, If I find my pictures or video's on a taxi cab in Vegas; I assure you, I will be pissed off. And all the bad things that go along with pissing me off. This profile
and its content is copyrighted 2018, 2019 and 2020 by Hotwifeforplay1969, ask first if you want to use my content! All pictures and videos and intellectual things belong to me and can not be used with out paying me a large sum of money.
And by the way, I really am legally copyrighted. And I really do have three attorneys, and a CPA and a manager, producer and a part time bodyguard as needed for public appearances. I'm currently looking for a yorkie though.

Pays: États-Unis

Visites du profil: 545 582

Abonnés: 20 517

Total de vues de vidéos: 8 299 961

Région: Illinois

Ville: Romeoville

Langues: English

Inscrit: 26 septembre 2020 (il y a 1 635 jours)

Dernière activité: il y a 2 jours

Intérêts: Grosse bite, Voyeur

A propos de moi:

I am a married suburban Chicago housewife, adult model and actress that has a naughty side. I am an exhibitionist and love making boys into men. I am normal sane and real.
Yes, I also occasionally work with professional studios.
You can find my non studio videos and pictures by Googling Hotwifeforplay1969
It is true that I have millions and millions of views worldwide and hundreds of videos and thousands of photos and still work at a Mexican fast food restaurant nearby.
I am Keeping it real! All videos and pictures really are me and are authentic, homemade and amateur; they are for the sole amusement of my fans and friends. Mostly filmed in the back seat of my car or on Location in the suburbs of Chicago IL. All video participants are fans and posted with permission.
Want to truly get my attention? Take a second and read my FAQs in Posts, explains everything! Click link below. It's ok, its safe.
..And I prefer Nymphet over Slut, Sounds better!
For those that understand. I do have a profile on SLS, if you ask nicely, I might tell you, so don't be a creep.
Yes, I do sell my movie memorabilia.
Lastly, If I find my pictures or video's on a taxi cab in Vegas; I assure you, I will be pissed off. And all the bad things that go along with pissing me off. This profile
and its content is copyrighted 2018, 2019 and 2020 by Hotwifeforplay1969, ask first if you want to use my content! All pictures and videos and intellectual things belong to me and can not be used with out paying me a large sum of money.
And by the way, I really am legally copyrighted. And I really do have three attorneys, and a CPA and a manager, producer and a part time bodyguard as needed for public appearances. I'm currently looking for a yorkie though.Afficher plus

A travaillé pour/avec: Hotwifeforplay1969

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