Iowa Wrestler Defaults Rather Than Face Girl


Hiliary 2020
like the kid said its a combat sport.
its basically fighting, one on one.
Its not like she was playing shortstop or even goalie in a hockey game.
the people who chose to allow a girl to wrestle in boys wresting are severely misguided fools.
this should not be allowed and it should be changed.
either that or someone needs to hurt her in competition to make it get changed.


Closed Account
No doubt. Anyone here who's wrestled or seen wrestling - real wrestling - you know it's impossible to compete without coppin' groin area. Either way this kid was going to lose.

What kind of mothers and fathers are signin' their daughters up for wrestling? It's one thing to teach a girl to be independent and learn how to take care of themselves, but wrestling seems a bit extreme.

I practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and I have a 7-year old daughter who I teach it too. She could hurt most of the boys in her school, and when she gets older I will let her compete in jiu-jitsu tournaments. If she were to have to face a boy, I'd be ok with it. The main reason I teach her is for self-defense, and in a self-defense situation it will most likely be a boy that she would be dealing with. If she never competes against a boy she'll never know how to deal with their strength in my opinion.

It's an insult if you ask me. The guy's a pussy. He should have been truthful, rather than saying it's a matter of pride when he knows that he's indignifying her as an athlete.

I agree.

Beat a girl? Or lose to a girl. I'd default too.

I have trained with many girls, and there is a fine line with how to handle it. You don't want to be too agressive and look like an asshole, but you don't want to go too easy and end up losing to a girl. I prefer to train with guys, preferably ranked higher than me, because we are stronger and faster than girls 99% of the time so I get more out of the training, but I won't hesitate to train with a girl. If they show up, they know what they're facing and I have to respect them for that.

like the kid said its a combat sport.
its basically fighting, one on one.
Its not like she was playing shortstop or even goalie in a hockey game.
the people who chose to allow a girl to wrestle in boys wresting are severely misguided fools.
this should not be allowed and it should be changed.
either that or someone needs to hurt her in competition to make it get changed.

I can't believe you said someone needs to hurt her to get the rules changed. That is someone's daughter you are talking about. It is a combat sport, but if the girl is willing to compete head-to-head against the guys then let her. Obviously they were pretty good to get where they did, and they are matched up by weight classes, so I don't see any problem with it. Oh, and I guess you can call me a misguided fool because I teach my daughter jiu-jitsu, and like I said above she already wants to compete but I'm making her wait a little longer for that. She also has a pink Savage .22 rifle and a pink .22 T/C Contender pistol that I built for her that she can shoot quite well. My daughter carries an American Girl doll around everywhere, has a pink room, and plays with Barbies, but she could triangle any little boy in her class if they messed with her. I'm not raising some prissy little girl that can't handle herself and I'm glad to see that there are other parents out there that are doing the same.


Hiliary 2020
Yeah like I want to see her get hurt.
the whole point of my post was that i don't want to see her get hurt.
But she and the people who would allow her to wrestle with boys are setting her up for either the boys refusing to wrestle her, her getting beaten, or her getting hurt which is a very strong possibilty.
So when a girl gets her neck broken then I guess they'll change the rules back to what they were, but does it really need to come to that?
Common sense.
Simple fact, 17 and 18 year old boys, especially wrestlers are much stronger than girls of the same age. They should not be competing in one on one combat sports together, its a recipe for disaster.

And also, from the boys perspective:
If they win they get accused of beating a girl.
If they hurt her they have to live with that.
Its not right to put them in that situation.
I know this isn't the 'same' thing but did you say this when Mary Ellen Barton started competing against dudes in rodeos?:o

Mary Ellen Barton? Who the fuck? Don't know her...I just discovered Mary Lou Retton...slow down. But yeah, derp, that's the same shit. You think these good, upstanding cowboys were fixing to compete against women? Easy win? Think again! That's equally repulsive. This is the work of "progressive feminists" in NYC/LA. If I was on these forums at the time, I would have said the same thing. Are you actually taking the position that everyone, regardless of race or sex, is equal? Man vs Woman is merely a "social construct?" Please clarify.
I don't really know how this is a religious issue unless his religion is different than most. Still it could be argued that if your religion is going to potentially conflict with the sport you are playing you either shouldn't play it or should be willing to face the consequences it will bring about.
I know this isn't the 'same' thing but did you say this when Mary Ellen Barton started competing against dudes in rodeos?:o

Mary Ellen Barton? Who the fuck? Don't know her...I just discovered Mary Lou Retton...slow down. But yeah, derp, that's the same shit. You think these good, upstanding cowboys were fixing to compete against women? Easy win? Think again! That's equally repulsive. This is the work of "progressive feminists" in NYC/LA. If I was on these forums at the time, I would have said the same thing. Are you actually taking the position that everyone, regardless of race or sex, is equal? Man vs Woman is merely a "social construct?" Please clarify.

Dude, you're not much of a rodeo king I see... Mary Ellen 'Dude' Barton was the first woman to compete against dudes in Rodeo.

re the rest of your post on 'equal', etc.; Something tells me it's not worth the discussion.
Next we'll have mixed boxing, nfl, hockey and so on. What about men wrestling with kids? :facepalm: It makes no sense to me. :2 cents: